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Best Lawyer for Divorce Cases in Nehru Place Delhi.

Best Lawyer For Divorce Cases In Nehru Place Delhi.

Divorce Rules in India: Everything You Need to Know

Marriage is a blessing. A successful marriage means falling in love with the same person many times. But sometimes this marriage does not work and turns into a divorce matter. But the divorce process in India takes work. This is a very complex place where one needs to understand the legal framework. India is a first country, many religious people stay here, and every reason has different laws. The divorce process involves legal and emotional steps That depend on the documents and the mental issues of both parties. Sometimes the divorce process is also held outside of the court and the lawyer can ensure that all the work is done under the legal process. So the environment of a lawyer in the divert process is very important and this blog will cover the key specs of divorce rules in India.

Understanding Personal Laws

As I mention earlier India is a country of different religions. So the divorce process also works differently for every religion. Some of the personal laws are:

1. Hindu Law

Divorce among Hindus, including Buddhists, Jains, and Sikhs, is governed by the Hindu Marriage Act, of 1955. This act allows the Hindus to grant the divorce and also helps to get the negotiations. 

2. Muslim Law

Muslim divorce is based on Islamic principles and is governed by The Dissolution of Muslim Marriages Act, 1939 and customary practices. This also involves several factors like the Talak or the Khula and the mutual agreements.

3. Christian Law

For Christians, the Indian Divorce Act, of 1869, is applied to them. This act also involves getting the result of adultery, cruelty, desertion, and other mental and physical abuse.

4. Secular Law

This comes under the Special Marriage Act, of 1954. This act allows the individual to take their divorce when the two parties are from different religions. This law ensures a safe passage for both parties.

Procedure for Divorce

The divorce process is complex and one needs to understand some steps for going to court. The divorce process in India generally involves the following steps:

1. Filing the Petition

A divorce petition is needed to be filed in the family court. The petition must have the requirements and the legal notices to grant the divorce. This needed to be written in a clear form. 

2. Sending Notice 

The opposition party will have the divorce notice. This document needs to also mention the details of the divorce and it also needs to pursue the clear intention of the divorce.

3. Response by the Respondent

The respondent's agreement is also important for the divorce. If the respondent does not want to sign on the papers then this will come under the negotiation process. At that time that trial will go for both the parties.

4. Reconciliation Period

The code will decide on a reconciliation process. This process will also legal actions like both the parties staying separately and joining the counselling to dissolve the marriage.

5. Evidence and Arguments

Both parties need to present evidence and arguments to support their claims. The documents should be relevant to the case and these documents will have to clear the intentions of the divorce.

After the documents are verified and the arguments, the court will give the final judgement. This judgment will also involve the monetary or financial disbursement. 

Why Choose Us

So understanding the legal work and filing the petitions is not easy work. A lawyer can ensure that all the legal work is favours for the client. We are the Best Lawyers in Delhi and allow us to handle your divorce case. Our experienced team can handle the legal work and set you free. Please feel free to have a deal with us.
